Mastering Angular 2+ Classes: A Guide to Using NgClass and NgStyle


Exploring Dynamic Styling with NgClass and NgStyle in Angular 2+

Styling in web applications can be a tedious and time-consuming task. However, Angular 2+ offers convenient and efficient methods for creating dynamic styles in our applications. In this blog post, we will be exploring two of these methods – NgClass and NgStyle – and how they can make our lives as developers easier.

But first, let’s quickly define what Angular is. Angular is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications. It provides developers with tools and libraries that make it easier to create and maintain complex front-end applications.

Now, let’s dive into the main topic – NgClass and NgStyle. These are two of the many ways that Angular provides for us to create dynamic styling in our applications.

NgClass allows us to dynamically add or remove CSS classes to an element in our template. This is useful when we want to change the appearance of an element based on certain conditions or events.

On the other hand, NgStyle allows us to pass in object literals or variables to dynamically set CSS styles to an element. This is helpful when we want to change multiple styles at once or when we want the styles to be updated based on user input.

Let’s take a look at an example of how we can use NgClass and NgStyle in our Angular application. First, we need to create a new project using the Angular CLI (command-line interface). If you don’t have it installed, you can run the command “sudo npm install -g angular-cli” to install it.

Once the Angular CLI is installed, we can create a new project by running the command “ng new angular-class-style”. This will create a new project called “angular-class-style”. Then, we can navigate into the project directory and run “ng serve” to start the application.

Now, let’s get started with the styling. In our application, we have a div element with the id “my_id”. In pure JavaScript, if we wanted to change the class and style of this element, we would need to first get the element by id and then change its class name and style properties. This can be a tedious task, especially if we need to change multiple styles.

In Angular, however, we can use the [style.color] directive to dynamically change the color of an element. For example, we can bind [style.color]=red to make the text color of the element red.

But what if we want to make the color dynamic? This is where NgStyle comes in. We can use the [ngStyle] directive to pass in an object with CSS styles to be applied to the element. For instance, we can use [ngStyle]={ ‘color’: getRandomColor(), ‘font-size’: ’17px’ } to make the text color and font size of the element dynamic.

To make things more interesting, let’s add a button that changes the color of the element when clicked. We can achieve this by defining a randomColor variable in our component and using it in the [style.color] directive. Then, we can create a function that generates a random color and assign it to the variable. Finally, we can use the button’s (click) event to call the function and change the color.

Another way to use NgStyle is by binding to variables. In our example, we have two input fields, one for the background color and one for the font size. We can use the [(ngModel)] directive to bind these inputs to variables in our component. This allows us to change the styles dynamically based on user input.

Now, let’s take a look at NgClass. In our application, we have two CSS classes defined – style1 and style2. We can use the [className] directive to dynamically add or remove these classes from an element. For example, we can bind [className]=style1 to add the style1 class to the element.

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