Vue’s Class Components Are No Longer in the Works


Understanding the Upcoming Changes to Vue Components

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework used for building user interfaces. It has gained a lot of traction in recent years due to its simplicity, flexibility, and performance. One of the key features of Vue is its ability to create components, which are reusable blocks of code that can be easily integrated into larger applications.

Traditionally, Vue components have been created using JavaScript objects. This approach has worked well, but it has its limitations. In an effort to improve the developer experience and provide better TypeScript support, the Vue team has been working on a new feature that would allow components to be created using JavaScript classes. However, after much consideration, the team has decided to drop this proposal.

Let’s take a closer look at why this decision was made and what it means for the future of Vue components.

The Proposal

The proposal to add classes to Vue components was introduced on GitHub in February 2019. It aimed to provide a more familiar and readable way of creating components for developers who are used to using classes in other languages. In addition, it was also meant to improve type inference and provide better TypeScript support.

The initial proposal included two ways of declaring components using classes – in the browser and in single file components. However, after much discussion and consideration, the Vue team has decided to drop this proposal.

Reasons for Dropping the Proposal

There were two main reasons for dropping the proposal – composition functions and the desire for a simpler developer experience.

Composition functions are a new feature in Vue that allows for more flexibility in component logic. It is inspired by React Hooks and will be the preferred way of declaring components in the future. This approach also provides better TypeScript support compared to using classes.

The Vue team also believes that having three different ways to create components (objects, classes, and composition functions) would lead to confusion and make it more difficult for developers to understand the framework.

What Does This Mean for the Future of Vue Components?

As mentioned earlier, composition functions will be the preferred way of declaring components in Vue 3.0. This change will not affect the current object-based API, which will continue to work in the new version.

Composition functions will allow for a more functional approach to creating components, making it easier to compose and reuse code. This is in line with the JavaScript way of thinking and is similar to the direction that React is moving with React Hooks.

In addition, composition functions also provide better TypeScript support, which is a major benefit for developers who use TypeScript in their projects. This will lead to a better developer experience and improved tooling.


The Vue team’s decision to drop the classes proposal may come as a surprise to some, but it is a step towards providing a simpler and more efficient developer experience. With the introduction of composition functions, Vue components will become even more flexible and easier to work with. As always, the Vue community is excited to see what the future holds for this popular JavaScript framework.

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